Bosco Stregato 2017

Concluding the edition of "The Jungle Book and the Disney World", as always, we are grateful to our community who sent hundreds of works. The Italian and foreign artists participated in the contest "Il Bosco Stregato" from all over the globe: Argentina, Canada, China, India, Russia, Turkey, Usa, Vietnam, etc, but also from  many Italian and foreign schools. It is a sign that the dissemination of culture and love for the Ex Libris has gone astray.

Choosing and evaluating the works was certainly not an easy task for the jury, which was able to see how all the works presented have recorded a high technique and a personal interpretation of the themes proposed.

The prize giving will be held on October 14 in Bra at the "Giovanni Arpino" Conference Room, via Ernesto Guala 45, starting at 2.00 pm

Program of the event

The Awards Ceremony will be preceded by the conference: "The evolution of language and the variety of cultural channels" of which we present the interventions:

Bosco Stregato awards 2017



Between book and e-book:
Metamorphoses of book and reading in digital environment

Maurizio Vivarelli:

Professor of Bibliography and Library Economics, Department of Historical Studies, University of Turin

The Book of Artist,
Artwork to book measure

Ugo Nespolo:

Artist and Communicator

The clue becomes... Thrilller

Biagio Carillo:

Criminalist and Writer

From storytelling to writing:
a debate in progress

Piercarlo Grimaldi:

Anthropologist and Past Rector of the Pollenzo University of Gastronomic Sciences;

The Private Book,
Ex Libris as a sign of property

   Tommaso Lo Russo: Coordinator of Solstizio d'Estate Onlus
Gianfranco Carosso: "Giovanni Arpino" Library Referent

Moderator: Fabio Bailo Councilor for the culture, City of Bra

It only remains to thank you again and to invite you also to the Enchanted Woods 2018 edition. The next article will be dedicate to the winners of this 2017 edition, see you soon!

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